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International Exchange Week in Leuven

On the third week of March 2024, the KU Leuven hosted the International Exchange Week: BIP – (Personal) Energy Efficient Mobility in the Future.

A total of 90 students (in which 17 students from the ERASMUS + Work4CE project “Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century”, 22 from the Euclides partners and 41 KU Leuven students) worked in 18 international and multi-disciplinary teams on the question on how to organize (Personal) Energy Efficient Mobility in the Future.

During the week, 12 experts from different universities, countries and companies gave their insights on the challenges and solutions on this matter. As part of the programme professor Carsten Wolff from Fachhochschule Dortmund (FH Dortmund) gave the presentation on the topic “The interdependencies between smart city, smart mobility and smart energy”. Prof. Galyna Tabunshchyk, research assistant and a Lecturer at FH Dortmund gave the presentation on the topic “Digital Twins as a way for improvement of the EV Efficiency”. The knowledge gained from the speakers the teams used as a basis for their final report and for pitching their solutions in the form of a board-game. Read their abstracts on:

The program also contained a company visit to LAntis/Oosterweel, the biggest construction wharf at present in Europe to provide a mobility solution around the city of Antwerp and the bigger area of the Antwerp port. 

Students learned to know each other in intercultural differences during the social events which was part of this BIP (Blendid Intensif Program).

The week long collaboration and teamwork within the international student teams and the interaction with international lecturers was obviously an very intense experience and will hopefully leave a long-lasting happy memory in the participants heart and mind.