Dortmund International

Spring 2022


16th - 20th May 2022


Dortmund, Germany


Free seats are limited



More information will come soon…

Winter School Information


Project period:
01.04.2020 – 31.03.2023

Project type:
DAAD funding programme: International Mobility and Cooperation through Digitalisation (IMKD)

Grant holder:
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund)

Project coordinator:
Carsten Wolff

Check the information on the FH Dortmund website:

Ekaterina Hermann

Project goals:

  • Implementation and evaluation of the model of a virtual, internationally integrated Master School;
  • Development of a training profile on the topic of “Managing the Digital Transformation”;
  • Pilot development of a Digital Education Ecosystem (DEE) for virtual, international teaching networks;
  • Further development of the strategic partnership of the EuroPIM consortium;
  • Internationalisation and digitisation of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Ruhr Master School (RMS).

Project outcomes:

  • Developed Modules amounting to 30 ECTS on the topic area “Managing the Digital Transformation” including e-learning teaching materials;
  • Completion of at least 4 Double Degree Agreements: Master Digital Transformation with KTU, Master Embedded Systems with UPV/EHU, EuroMPM in combination with the Postgraduate Certificate of KUL, EuroMPM with NTNU;
  • Train-the-trainer (TtT) training programme for teachers and training programme on DEE for teachers and administration;
  • Development and release of the four concepts for: Competence Model for the Digital Transformation (CMDT), Digital Transformation Maturity Model (DTMM), Digital Sustainability Canvas, and certification with EuroDTM label;
  • Initiation and development of the “Open Communities of Practice (OpenCoPs)” on the topics CMDT, DTMM, EuroDTM label, Digital Sustainability Canvas, Joint Specialization on Innovation & Entrepreneurship, MA+ Package on Project Management and the modules, processes, and tools;
  • Operating and financing concept for the DEE;
  • Establishment of an Open Innovation Portal and integration in (website of the EuroPIM consortium).

Development of the master programmes:

  • Curriculum development and double degrees;
  • Development of the Digital Sustainability Canvas and Digital Transformation Maturity Model (DTMM);
  • Development of certification according to the EuroDTM label.

Development of competence model (CMDT), didactic concept, and training of teachers:

  • Didactic concept, teaching and examination concept;
  • Development of eLearning portfolio “Train-the-Trainer (TtT)”;
  • Training courses for teachers.

Development, testing, and evaluation of the Digital Education Ecosystem (DEE):

  • Integration and Evaluation of eLearning Community Server (ECS);
  • Development and evaluation of “Student Journey Configurator”;
  • Development and evaluation of “Mobility Planner”;
  • Integration and Evaluation EWP;
  • Integration and Evaluation EMREX.

More information you can find here.

Dissemination, marketing, and events (according to the academic calendar):

  • Expansion of the website with Open Innovation Portal;
  • Dortmund International Summer School;
  • Cross Border Workshops;
  • Conferences.

Community building and stabilization:

  • Establishment of Open Communities of Practice (OpenCoPs);
  • Establishment of a network (e.g. association);
  • Drafting and concluding the cooperation agreements.

All partner organisations have the possibility to access the project supporting tools and cloud repository.

To enter Nextcloud (follow)
NextCloud – content online collaboration platform.

To enter Confluence (follow)
Confluence – collaboration wiki tool.

To enter Jira (follow)
Jira – software to manage and track projects.

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