Train-the-Trainer (July 2022)

Train-the-Trainer event, organized by our colleagues Anna Badasian, Nargiza Mikhridinova, and Dortmund International Summer School Organising Team within the cross-border projects environment of FH Dortmund, took place between the 4th and 6th of July 2022.

The course was designed for lecturers and trainers and welcomed 42 participants from partner universities in Azerbaijan, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Spain, Ukraine, and Palestinian Territories. During the three-days workshop participants got lectures by Neringa Dubauskiene, KTU, Kaunas; Carsten Wolff, Nargiza Mikhridinova and Nicola Vollmar from FH Dortmund, and Bertha Joseph Ngereja from NTNU, Trondheim, and exercised in problem- and challenge-based learning, developing the course concept including the intended learning outcomes, project case development, project team formation strategies, and shaping the outlook on future train-the-trainer activities.

After completing the course, the participants outlined, that they will surely implement the digital tools for a team setup, and would try to work with challenge-based learning further and include it into the teaching process, and use it in developing the courses.

In the end, one of the trainees concluded: “Challenge-based learning allows teachers and students to work together, to learn about compelling issues, propose solutions to real problems, and take action”.

Photo: FH Dortmund, Training week 2021

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