
All projects at a glance

ACTEA: Applierd Curricula in Technology for East Africa

The project aims to fulfill the specific needs in engineering, provide better skills matching, deliver course material in 2 specializations, Computer Aided Manufacturing Technology and Electrical Engineering & Automation and, establish technologic laboratories, with virtual and remote accessibility, establish the relevant learning tools, give academic staff additional training on technology and in developing technology-related course material according to EU standards.

DEE: Digital Education Ecosystem

The goal of the project is to serve the expert community of developers of learning materials and didactic tools, to support the delivery of the teaching and learning activities, and to integrate the competences and content with a fully projectized and digitalized virtual environment.

ManDEE: Managing thr Digital Transformation - Digital Education Ecosystem

The aims of the project are to comprehensively digitalize the three international Master’s programmes “European Master in Project Management (EuroMPM)”, “Digital Transformation (MDT)” and “Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE)” as well as the related international consortium “European Partnership for Project and Innovation Management – EuroPIM” and to supplement them with the topic of “Managing the Digital Transformation”.

ProDiT: Projects for the Digital Transformation

The project is building a community, training and knowledge cluster of universities, companies and other partners that will provide the required standards, concepts and competences for project management for the digital transformation as well as international, intercultural and interdisciplinary competencies.

ViMaCs: Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science

The project is building a community, training and knowledge cluster of universities, companies and other partners that will provide the required standards, concepts and competences for project management for the digital transformation as well as international, intercultural and interdisciplinary competencies.

WORK4CE: Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century

The project addresses the need for competences, standards, learning materials, and didactic formats, which could be important in the new Work4.0 environment. This special combination of competences from project management and IT/ICT needs to be developed for students, professionals, and executives (life-long learning). Competence delivery needs to be done in a projectized and digitalized way to be available anywhere and anytime (adapted to the learner).



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