«Erasmus+ is a symbol of a vibrant, young, and dynamic Europe. It builds bridges between people and thus also between the countries of the European Union. One million students from Germany have gained valuable experience abroad through Erasmus and often established lifelong networks», said DAAD President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee in Bonn.
Since its launch on 15th June 1987 more than 12 Million Europeans have taken part in Erasmus. With a total budget of over 28 billion euros, the current Erasmus programme (2021-2027) supports the EU Commission’s education policy goals and increases Europe’s attractiveness as a location for study and research.
In EuroPIM Consortium there are several projects that are funded by Erasmus+, such as ACTEA, ProDiT, and WORK4CE.
The 35th anniversary will be celebrated with a special 2-euro commemorative coin, which will be issued throughout Europe from the 1st July in the amount of almost 40 million pieces! The Erasmus+ coin is the fifth commemorative coin to be minted simultaneously in all European countries.
Photo: FH Dortmund.