On March 16, 2024 the consortium meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE (Strand 1) project called “Competences for International Innovation Projects” (CompIIT) took place. The meeting was organised and hosted at Fachhochschule Dortmund, Germany – one of the European partners of the project. Project partners were gathered together to discuss the project’s current status and its deliverables after one year of the project runtime.
The meeting started with an introduction about the city of Dortmund and sharing some historical facts, then moved on to introducing the participants and their organizations. A major portion of the meeting was about managing dates and progress of the tasks including setting deadlines and agreeing on deliverables. Quality assurances were also discussed, and some guidelines were set for maintaining them. The participants engaged in discussions and networking activities during the meeting and afterwards with a walk in the city center where they got to experience Dortmund first-hand.
The Erasmus+ CBHE project “Competences for International Innovation Projects – CompIIT” started on 01.01.2023 by the consortium of the partners: European University of Armenia (EUA), Fachhochschule Dortmund (FH Dortmund), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Goris State University (GSU) and Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute (YeTRI). It addresses the need in Armenia for graduates who are able to work in the virtual cross-border projects of the digital era with three core deliverables:
- Virtual Project Campus as a digital infrastructure with IT tools and courses
- Three transdisciplinary project formats for the curricula: innovation project, cross-border project, start-up project
- The ProCom Language and Communication School as a virtual entity

Project type: Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)
Project name: Competences for International Innovation Projects
Project reference number: 101082806