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Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Two years of studying at KTU, and you are a Master of Business Management – a person who is ready to conquer the entire world with his ideas. This degree program is unique because of its universality for anyone pursuing ambitious goals in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. It is an excellent choice for those who dream of creating their own innovative business or seek high positions in the best companies.

The task of the Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship study program is to turn your goals into a reality. You will learn to not only to create innovations that change the market rules but also how to manage innovative businesses in different industries. We provide the best opportunities for studying, so you can choose whether you want to study at KTU for two years or get a double degree by choosing the joint master’s study program GTIME.

Location Kaunas
School of Economics and Business
Cycle Second cycle
Field Management
Language Lithuanian, English
Form Full-time studies - 2 y. (evening-time; cyclic, blended learning)
Degree awarded Master of Business Management
Flexible learning pathways Interdisciplinary competence
Yearly Price  i Full-time studies - 4606 €

Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555

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KTU School of Economics and Business & GTIME

Entry requirements

Minimum requirements

University bachelor degree certificate

Business and public management, social sciences study groups deegree or a other study group degree AND ≥12 ECTS of Business and Public Management, Social Sciences study groups

Language CGPA

IELTS ≥6.0, TOEFL ≥85, CEFR ≥C1, or previously completed studies in english language. ≥12 kr. išklausytų verslo ir viešosios vadybos, socialinių mokslų studijų krypčių grupės dalykų

Additional requirements

Often you can get a suitable transcript of bachelor’s degree from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Russian.

The documents must be legalised (Apostille) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued. This requirement does not apply for the documents issued in the EU and Belarus, Ukraine.


Score structure

Component Coefficient
First component of the competition score

Average grade(CGPA) of University‘s Bachelor’s degree (min. length – 180 ECTS) and its supplement


Second component of the competition score

Motivation letter and online interview


Additional component for the competition score:

Additional points can be added to the competition score for the following activities:

  • science activities (scientific publications, presentations at scientific conferences, participation in exhibitions, work in student science society or science group etc.) or art activities (publication or realization of artwork, participation in art exhibitions, contests of architecture) (up to 2 points);
  • at least 1 year work experience in the field of study programme (0,5 points);
  • partial studies in the higher education institution abroad with ≥24 ECTS completed (0,5 points);
  • graduated from academic talent development program in higher education institution (for example “GIFTed talent academy”) (0,5 points);
  • bachelor’s or master’s (if integrated study programme is completed) degree diploma with honors (0,5 points).

Points from the same criteria are only added once. Points from different criteria are added up. The maximum score from additional points criteria can be no higher than 4.


Tuition fee

The indicated tuition fee is applied to 2025-2026 academic year.

Full-time studies 4606 €
Price per credit 76,77 €
Foreign nationals with Lithuanian origins and EU citizens
Full-time studies 4606 €
Price per credit 76,77 €
Partial tuition fee waiver can be applied for the study price.


Financial support





Module of the study programme by semesters


Innovations – creation, implementation, economic assessment
Business development – development of innovative products, commercialisation of solutions, innovative business models, expansion of markets and strategies, attraction of capital, development of partnerships
Business value management – business evaluation, influence of innovations on the business value, connections, consolidation
Development of the “know-how” of organisations – creative thinking, dissemination of productive knowledge, protection, and commercialisation of ideas, management of intellectual capital.

Encouragement of creativeness Management of innovations Business development Business evaluation and value management


Programme values

Studies that open doors to the world

The MSc. in Global Technology and Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (GTIME) is a unique 2-year program offered jointly by internationally distinguished universities with extraordinary competences in the field of technology, innovation management and entrepreneurship. For the first academic year, you will study at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). For the second year, you will be able to choose from one of the partner universities, based on your specialisation.

Admission to GTIME is carried out by Hamburg University of Technology before March 1 of each year, prior to admission to KTU’s Faculty of Economics and Business.

Studies that open doors to the world

Just like at Berkeley, Stanford or Aalto Universities

The study program has been developed based on and in collaboration with these universities. Advanced learning methods, active teachers who are interested in science and business innovation, and new business management tools are only the beginning. Many of the program graduates go off to create startups or lead teams in developing innovative products or services.

According to the Lithuanian magazine overlooking educational institution rankings, the 2018 and 2019 edition of “Reitingai” ranks this program as among the best master’s degrees in management in Lithuanian universities.

Lecturers from various fields

The University will host researchers, entrepreneurs, and leaders from various different disciplines, who will share with you their expertise and guidance on various topics and situations.

Experience with international projects

All proactive students are invited to join the international research teams, where they will be able to gain the latest knowledge in the field of study and gain invaluable experience with working on international projects.


Bright and broad career prospects

What will you be able to do?

– Manage innovation on strategic and operative levels of the organisation.
– Recognise, evaluate, and manage an organisation’s intellectual capital.
– Solve strategic problems, develop and implement business strategies.
– Create and apply value innovations.
– Initiate and develop the concepts of technological businesses.
– Apply creative thinking tools whilst executing managerial decisions.

You may become

A person who understands the innovation ecosystem, technology and innovation trends, business situations and needs, and has the ability to develop globally competitive and innovative businesses.



Lecturers. Experts in their field

Monika Petraitė

Monika Petraitė

Innovation Management
Robertas Jucevičius

Robertas Jucevičius

Business Model Innovation
Maximilian Joachim Von Zedwitz

Maximilian Joachim Von Zedwitz

Technology Venturing
Lina Užienė

Lina Užienė

Intellectual Capital Management



Edmundas Padvaiskas

Edmundas Padvaiskas

General Director at UAB “Rosteka”


In order to develop competitive business, it is important to stay dynamic, creative, and not to be afraid to change. The growth and success of our company is conditioned by constant innovations directed to the creation of complex solutions to the client, the top quality, ensuring of environmental and social responsibility. The possibility for the client to offer the highest value arises from brave, proactive specialists who are oriented to changes and the need for whom we feel each and every day.

Artūras Kanapkis

Artūras Kanapkis

Manager at UAB "Baltic Synergy" and Developer at “Time Resistance”


The studies in this programme are one of the best decisions of my career. The quality of this study programme is conditioned both by its content and exclusive competency of lecturers. By studying this programme, I had an opportunity to work with the recognised professionals who provided me with valuable recommendations at the start of development of my business. I apply the acquired knowledge each and every day. They are the basis everyone must know before starting to create a business. The studies also opened the possibilities for me to study abroad and communicate with foreign professors here, in Lithuania. Some of the established contacts evolved into the professional cooperation.




Talk to us, study with us
tel. +370 679 44 555